
My Brother!

I just wanted to share with you a little bit about my brother, Ryan, and ask for your prayers this Saturday. We are 7 1/2 years apart and have always been in completely different seasons of life. He was only 9 when my oldest son was born and turned 11 the day after I married and moved out of the house. Because we were so young and there is such a big age difference, we never really had the chance to develop that sweet brother/sister - best friend relationship while I was at home. I remember picking on him and making him scream just because. I was a selfish teenager and life was about me. ***Now he can take me down in less than 5 seconds and, yes, we still wrestle and, yes, I scream now! What mom always said did come true: He did eventually get bigger than me. :)

Over the past 6 yrs, he has been BUSY playing sports and doing normal high school stuff, like hanging out with friends, and I have been busy being a Mom and wife.
Our love for each other has always been there, but it wasn't often expressed and we didn't see or talk to each other much.

At the beginning of this school year (his Senior yr), I prayed that God would show me how to reach out to him. I prayed that he would provide opportunities for me to speak into his life and ideas on how to encourage him, bless him, and let him know how much I love him. God has heard my prayers and continues to answer. He has been so good to grow our love and care for each other. There has been difficult talks, there has been times where I've been so aggravated I've just wanted to knock him out, literally, there has been things he's done and still does that I don't agree with, there's been many, many tears, but God has been so kind to help us through and I've been able to speak truth into his life so many times. God has been faithful to bring much good out of each situation and I am sure He will continue to do so, as I know, more hard times are sure to come. God has also done and continues to do a good work in me. I feel I am getting better at extending grace and better at bringing gentle, well thought through words. The feelings I have for my brother can only come from God.

God has blessed Ryan with the ability to play football and it was during football season that I believe God began to work. He has played since middle school for University Christian and excels in the area of kicking. One of the ways I tried to encourage him this year was by decorating his truck, rain or shine, before every game. I also tried to leave a REALLY motivating, truth filled letter inside for him to read. Our verse became Psalm 18 and he wore it under his eyes every Friday night. He knew I was his biggest fan and his biggest prayer warrior. You could hear me screaming for him all the way from the parking lot. It was kind of obnoxious, but oh so much fun!! :) This past fall was such a bittersweet time for me and I am sure for him too. I cried several times when he would bust through the banner and run out onto the field. I hated for it to be over and I didn't like the idea that he may never play football again. This is where the prayer request comes in. Ryan is heading to Charleston Southern tomorrow and is meeting with the football coaches Saturday. Please pray that his visit goes well and that the coaches offer him a scholarship. Ryan has worked and practiced extremely hard in hopes of playing college football. His work ethic is motivating to me. My Mom has sent him all over the southeast to different football camps and he has received a lot of awards and recognition. He is also working with a recruiter and a personal trainer. But, up until now, he has had no offers. A lot of schools are interested in him as a walk on, but he is trying to get a scholarship. Please pray that if God closes this door, that I will be able to rest in the truth that God is sovereign and has a perfect plan for Ryan's life. And, please pray that I will be able to encourage my brother and family during this time. It's hard not to be anxious during this wait. Thank you so much! I will try to update when I know something.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Hope you enjoy the pics! These are only a few as I didn't take all digital.


My grace is sufficient for you...2 Cor 12:9

Hope this encourages you as it did me. What honor it reflects on the gospel when we have faith and trust in the Lord no matter the circumstance.

God's grace is illustrated and magnified in the poverty and trials of believers. Saints bear up under every discouragement, believing that all things work together for their good, and that out of apparent evils a real blessing shall ultimately spring - that their God will either work a deliverance for them speedily, or most assuredly support them in the trouble, as long as He is pleased to keep them in it. This patience of the saints proves the power of divine grace. There is a lighthouse out at sea: it is a calm night - I can't tell whether the structure is firm; the tempest must rage about it, and then I shall know whether it will stand. So with the Spirit's work: if it were not on many occasions surrounded with tempestuous waters, we should not know that it was true and strong; if the winds did not blow upon it, we should not know how firm and secure it was. The masterworks of God are those people who stand in the midst of difficulties, steadfast, unmoveable -
Those who would glorify their God must expect to encounter many trials. No one can be esteemed before the Lord without many conflicts. If, then, your path is marked with many trials, rejoice in it because your life will provide greater evidence of the all-sufficient grace of God. As for His failing you, DON'T EVEN DREAM OF IT - hate the very thought of it. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end. - Charles Spurgeon


Tyler, my love!

Our oldest son turned 8 on 01/11. Unbelievable! Where has time gone? For Christmas we got a tent from my Dad and Step-Mom. So, to celebrate, we had a campout in our backyard. We invited some of his best buddies over. It turned out great and everyone got along so well! It was really fairly easy and something I would definitely do again. The boys stayed outside the entire time which made for an easy clean-up. They played and played and played - war, tree climbing, trampoline jumpin', basketball.... They kept busy. We cooked hot dogs over the campfire for dinner and then s'mores for dessert. When it was time to settle down, we brought them all onto the back porch and started a movie. Two at a time they came in for a shower. Once they were all clean, they walked to the tent and went to bed. It was a cold 40 degrees but they stayed out there all night. Justin was a trooper and slept out there with them. For breakfast we cooked pancakes and bacon. I took all of them to church Sun morning and released them to their parents. After that, I surprised Tyler and took him to Gainesville for the National Championship Celebration in the Swamp. It was so fun! It was the first time Ty had ever been. Now, I've got to take him to a game.

How grateful I am for the gifts God has given me - my children! I love you dearly Tyler!


More waiting

Carter's nurse called yesterday and said the doctors have decided to wait another month before ordering a bone marrow biospy. They want to see the results of one more blood draw. I said, "ok," and that was the end of our conversation. I asked no questions. Things were really busy at home when she called and I wasn't really thinking clearly. Of course, once things settled down, the thoughts started to roll. Why exactly did they decide to wait? I do trust the doctors are making the best decision, but it would be kind of nice to know how and why they came to that conclusion. It seems they are really trying not to do anything that is not necessary and for that I am grateful. Obviously, they feel things aren't too critical at this point and they have some time. Since yesterday afternoon, I have tried to feed on Scripture and other resources dealing with waiting, resting, patience, and anxiousness. I have found some great stuff and am going to try to share it with you.

Her is something from John Piper:

"Impatience is what we begin to feel when we start to doubt the wisdom of God's timing or the goodness of God's guidance."

"The opposite is a deepening, ripening, peaceful willingness to wait for God in the unplanned place of obedience, and to walk with God at the unplanned pace of obedience - to wait in his place, and go at his pace. And the key is future grace........hope of future grace beyond this life carries saints patiently through their affliction."

Lord, help me to patiently be able to wait and endure without complaining. Thank you that there is hope beyond this temporal life. I will one day live forever with you in a place without any problems. I pray that I will not let trouble diminsh my faith. Help me to remember that you have a purpose for everything and are doing a good work in me. Patience demands inner strength and that comes from you alone. I pray that you will empower me with strength and patient endurance.

2 Cor 4:17 & 18 "For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."