
My 3 Year Old....

-Is 100 percent BOY
-Just asked where the lollipop truck was... he meant the ice cream truck
-Loves those lollipops (all sweets really) and swallows even the gum
-Thinks Batman is the coolest - I’ve heard him ask for his mask in his sleep
-Might just be a comedian one day
-Enjoys singing and knows the ABC's (except that l-m-n-o-p part)
-Is very, very dramatic and loudly fake cries a lot!
-Has a wonderful imagination... sometimes our couch is a swimming pool complete with a diving board (good thing we didn't buy it new)
-Can hit a ball with a bat when its pitched to him
-Throws balls, kicks balls, shoots balls, sleeps with balls
-Rides a scooter like a teenager... not an ounce of fear in him, but a whole lot in his Mom
-Adores rocks!
-Goes potty in the toilet… most times
-Is always up for a hike
-Really likes those tunnels cut through the mountains
-Shoots deer with his rubber band gun
-Has an incredible vocabulary and understands everything he chooses to understand!
-Will say your name over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until you respond
-Drinks chocolate milk almost every morning and must stir it himself
-Says “because” when you ask why
-Circles are his favorite thing to draw (maybe because they resemble balls)
-Posses endless amounts of energy... Go, Go, Go
-Still considers my hair his comfort blanket
-Wants Mom when he is tired and Dad all other times
-Is determined to get what his heart desires even if that means pushing a chair 3x his weight across the house so he can reach desired item
-Puts his shoes on backwards every time
-Thinks it's hilarious to pick his boogers and then ask his brothers to wipe his finger off... I know, it's gross and I ask him not to do it.
-Is very expressive
-Has the most contagious laugh around
-Simply loves his own bed... NOT!

I'm sure I can keep going, but I will end with this...

Ryder is one of God's greatest gifts to us. We are delighted God chose us to be his parents. He is such a JOY! We look forward to watching God's plans for his life unfold and pray for strength, wisdom, and patience to train this lively, sweet boy in the ways of the Lord.


Ryder is 3!

The day started with pancakes which I never make because I am terrible at it!

Then off to Elitch Gardens. What a perfect occasion to use our free passes!

So cool! I gave in since it was his Birthday and I knew it would make for some awesome pictures/memories!


Opening presents - Batman Backpack, Pastels, Drawing Pad, Step Stool, Shark Magnets, Books, and more...

Skyping with Mamaw!

We had a family over from church Sat evening to celebrate. Hamburgers and Cake with Ryder's best bud Riley!

***More on my big 3 year old soon!***


Aug 6 - Continued adventures with Mom in Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park

Alluvial Fan

My rock climber!

And, my rock thrower!

Chasm Falls

An exciting find on Old Fall River Rd

These were on the side of Trail Ridge Rd

Wildlife Crossing!

Smelling the flowers in Estes Park while Nanny shops! The landscaping is just beautiful in the area.


Aug 3 - Boulder. Pearl Street Shopping.

His new rubber band gun Nanny bought him for his bday!

Aug 4 - Zoo and Scrumptious

Watching the Seal and Sea Lion Show

Learning about the Rhino

Our favorite ice cream place

Aug 5 - Golden and Arvada Shopping