
Baseball Time!

I just signed Carter up for baseball yesterday. I thought it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane. He has grown a lot. In his first season, his shirt hung down to his shins and his socks came all the way up his thighs. Carter is a JOY to watch play! He seems to always have a big fan base. People are drawn to him! And, don't let the size fool you! This kid can PLAY BALL!

Spring 2009

Spring 2010 - I didn't take any pictures. POOP! FAIL!

Spring 2011

Spring 2012

Baseball Party! Had to include this one!

Here's to a great 2013 baseball season in Colorado!


A Sledding We Will Go

Went to the hill at Westminster Rec Center for a whole lot of FUN!

Going down with friends!

It was a little scary first time down!

There goes Carter!

Wish someone would have carried me up!

Carter on the backside of that little homemade ramp!

Ryder and his Ty!

And, they ended up going down backwards!

We ran into one of our pastors and his boys. Here he is helping Ty on the snowboard!

Taking a break after walking up the hill!


The Biggest Snow Yet!

We braved it and went to church! This is probably one of the better roads we encountered. You could not even see the lines. Glad it was just my nerves that got wrecked. Others weren't so fortunate!

I had planned burgers for lunch not realizing how bad the weather would be. My sweet hubby grilled even in the snow!

We lifted the garage door to a mini wall of snow!

Play time!

Wrestling in the snow. I think Carter has just a slight disadvantage :)

Snow Angles!

Nothing like getting hit with a shovel of snow!

BEST BUDS! THANKFUL for such a great husband and father to my kids!

Sliding down the driveway was great fun!



Some School and A Lot of Play!

.....What else are you to do on a cold winter day?!

Like that snow ball on top of my citronella candle?

Look how it just piles on the limbs!

Snow ball fight!

Working on his fortress!

This shot brings JOY to me!

Back in the warmth for homemade sugar cookies and creamy hot cocoa!
