
What Saturdays Look Like!

He is a great center! Player of the game last week!

Making sure he has the plays right!

Colorado Football = Beautiful Weather and Beautiful Backdrop

My future Center?


My future Kicker?

Didn't exactly connect with this one. Must have been a bad snap! HA!

And my RB! His size causes them all to miss!

SILLY time!



50 reasons why I ADORE and LOVE my Mom on her 50th Birthday!!! They are in random order and in no way exhaustive.

1. She is the hardest working woman I know!

2. Her hug lasts long after she let's go!

3. She generously gives when there is a need!

4. She goes without so others can have!

5. She decorates an awesome Christmas Tree!

6. She is one of my biggest cheerleaders!

7. She is truly a GRAND-ma!

8. She knows how to satisfy my stomach!

9. She can show you a good time!

10. She will support you even if she disagrees with your decision!

11. She is an encourager!

12. She gets knocked down, but gets up again!

13. She lays down her life for her kids!

14. She works in the yard like a man!

15. She is always there!

16. She will help you anytime and expect nothing in return!

17. Boy, she can raise her voice, but I say it's because she's passionate!

18. She stands beside me as I continue to learn things the hard way!

19. Her "non-girly" self sat through everyone of my dance competitions!

20. She is my defender. I can count on her to tell ANYONE off!

21. She always threatened to throw away what I didn't clean up, but she never did.

22. She picked my boogers, wiped my butt, cleaned my vomit, and taught me how to use feminine products!

23. I broke her windshield, but she didn't break me.

24. She is pretty good looking which means I may be too when I'm old!

25. She makes sure I know how proud she is of me!

26. She loves me even when I don't deserve to be loved - unconditional love.

27. She goes all out for every holiday!

28. She helped buy me my first car.

29. She always picks up the tab at restaurants even when she can't afford it.

30. She is not afraid to speak her mind even when you don't want to hear it.

31. She will hold you accountable to ensure you get done what needs to get done.

32. She believes in me.

33. She is technically challenged and laughs about it.

34. She is FUN!

35. She comforted my infant cry and she comforts my adult cry.

36. She is not only my Mom, but my friend!

37. She listens!

38. Much of what I've learned concerning motherhood, came from her!

39. She embraces what life throws at her and tries to make the best of it even if it's less than ideal.

40. She makes the miles between us feel minimal.

41. She will be "Momma C" to anyone!

42. She always has a stocked fridge and pantry.

43. She attempts to be better than the doctor when I'm sick!

44. She is self-LESS!

45. Nothing grosses her out!

46. She lets me raid her closet, steel her perfume, and wear her jewelry!

47. She is a go-getter. A morning person that can function on NO sleep. If you are staying with her, she will rip open the curtains and force you to be a morning person too. There is life to be lived.

48. She makes all who enter her home feel welcome!

49. She will do it all and then some!

50. She is irreplaceable!


Here I am again..... for the second time in one day. Whoa!

I am sitting here eating my lunch and it is SO good (I just LOVE food) that I had to share this recipe with you.

This is on the back of the publix brand dried garbanzo beans bag.


3 cloves fresh garlic
1 1/2 cups cooked, drained beans
up to 1/2 cup water
2 Tbs tahini
juice of 1/2 a lemon
2 Tbs vinegar
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt (or to taste)
1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
1/2 Tbs paprika

Mince garlic in blender (I use food processor). Blend in beans, adding water in small amounts, until pureed (may not use all the water). Add tahini, lemon juice, vinegar, cumin, and salt. Add more water, if needed, for desired consistency. Place in serving dish; then drizzle with oil and sprinkle with paprika.

**I mix in the olive oil and paprika versus putting on top once blended**

I eat with cucumbers, bell pepper (red is yummy), and carrots. Hope you enjoy. Let me know how you like it, if you make it.

I'm also really, really enjoying avocado these days. No recipe. I just eat them :)
I am reading Pilgrims Progress to the children. Yesterday I read the part where Christian (main character) was given the Full Armor of God.

the belt of truth
breastplate of righteousness
feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace
shield of faith
helmet of salvation
sword of the Spirit

Later in the day, I received a call from an unknown number. I was surprised to hear the North Suburban Bulldog's President on the other end (where Ty plays football). He asked if I had a minute and then continued. He shared how God had placed Carter on his heart and several parents have expressed concern. He wanted an update on his health and wanted us to know they were praying. He then said he was going to call practice early and gather all the teams together in a big huddle. He was going to teach them about the Full Armor of God using football equipment. He wanted Carter to be right beside him during this time.

How cool is that people? I had just read this passage to my children earlier in the day. I told that to coach and he said, "Well, that's confirmation then!" I used this opportunity to thank him for all he stands for, for his boldness on the field, and for all the work he is doing. I could not be more grateful to be a part of NSB. We just googled Pop Warner Associations and happened to find this one. Totally God! In Jax alone, there are so many football associations I couldn't name them all. I don't know of one that seeks to glorify God and make Him known. There is a stark contrast. The fact that we have lost every game doesn't bother me a bit. My child is learning more than how to play football. He is being encouraged and challenged to use the football field as a mission field. This will serve him all of life!

After the large huddle, a group of parents and coaches gathered around Carter, placed hands on him, and prayed. I left so refreshed! Not only did the prayer time minister to me, but all during practice another parent was pouring TRUTH into me. She kept saying that Carter had been so heavy on her heart. I hadn't even met her before last night.

As time passes, it is made more and more clear that the LORD truly has directed all of our steps. He has gone before us. Colorado is where we are supposed to be right now, in this season of our lives. Yes, I miss family. I miss friends. But, I'm trusting and believing God has great things for us. He has already revealed some of those.

Ephesians 6:11-18
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.


Schooling at HOME and FOOD DAY!

We got a late/rocky start with school because of our hospital stay and then Mom and Dad's visit, but I feel like we are finally getting into "the swing of things." This is our 2nd full week. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to be able to stay home and teach my children.

We are studying astronomy this year. Here is our planets hung from the ceiling in the basement where we do school. They are in order based on there position from the sun and we differed the size so the kids could see how they compare to each other. For example: Earth is way smaller than Jupiter. The kids made up a mnemonic phrase to help them remember the order. Here is Tyler's:

My (M-Mercury)
Very (V-Venus)
Easy (E-Earth)
Maze (M-Mars)
Just (J-Jupiter)
Scared (S-Saturn)
Uncle (U-Uranus)
Nate (N-Neptune)
Platt (P-Pluto)

Doing hands on stuff is pretty time consuming, but I feel like Carter needs them in order to help what we are studying to gel. We are primarily using Story of the World, Volume 3: Early Modern Times for History. We've been reading about the Dutch Revolt this week. Today they made dikes (out of play-dough) in the Netherlands (a 9x13 pan). The kids did a good job and were able to keep the Low Country from flooding.

On a different note, we are making changes to see if we can figure out what is wrong with Carter ourselves. First idea: Celiac Disease. Testing already came back negative for this, but maybe the test was wrong. Day 3 and his stools seem better, but I will continue gluten free for probably a month. If no improvement, at least we've ruled something out! And, if you forgot, Thursday is FOOD DAY and I need you to share with me, please (Holly)! Comment with a gluten free recipe if you have one. Thanks!

**While I was typing this I was interrupted by a phone call. I was holding back tears the entire time. God is awesome! This deserves a separate post. Stay tuned!!**


Happy Birthday Carter

For you created Carter's inmost being;
you knit him together in my womb.
I praise you because he is fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Carter's frame was not hidden from you
when he was made in the secret place,
when he was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw Carter's unformed body;
all the days ordained for him were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

Happy Birthday to my Carter (9-22)! Our pastor said yesterday, If HE did it ALL for us, than there is no limit to what HE can ask of us! What truth! HE has chosen us to be Carter's parents, and asks us to trust HIM with his life. Although, he is a mystery to most medical doctors, his inmost being is no secret to our all knowing God. I am thankful for the continual work God is doing in my life through Carter.

He is such a JOY and a reward from God! His excitement about the little things in life is contagious! I am thankful for the way he cares for and loves others - particularly his brothers. I look forward to all the Lord has in store for our sweet son and am anxious to see how HE will be used in mighty ways! May the Lord give us the strength to raise him up in the fear of the Lord and may Carter know and understand how much he is loved and cared for not only by his family, but more importantly, by his Father in heaven!

Here are some pics from his Birthday! I am so thankful and glad family was here to celebrate with us. It's going to be sad to see them leave. We took a train ride on the Georgetown Loop, had lunch lakeside in Georgetown, got ice cream in Morrison, attended Tyler's football game, and ended at BeauJo's. He got a razor scooter, a Manning jersey, a new game, a bath robe and $$$! He can't wait to got shopping. Now, if Momma would just let him buy what he wants :) I'm way to practical for an 8 year old.

Picnic Spot - Chicken Salad sandwiches

Opening presents in the Breckenridge Mountain House Birthday morning


LONG post, but worth the read.... Pics at end!

We could not have planned today's adventure if we tried. We started with a drive into Frisco and then hiked to Rainbow Lake where we ate lunch. It was the perfect hike for our family. Not too strenuous for the kids. After ice cream cones at Foote's Rest
(isn't that a cute and very appropriate name?), we decided to drive through the Boreas Pass. What started out as a beautiful, pleasant, very scenic drive at 11,000 feet above sea level, turned into a nerve wrecking, gut wrenching off road trip down the "road to nowhere."

You see, my darling husband thought he had found a "short cut" back (CO Rd 801 shouldn't even be on the map). We had already been driving on spectacular aspen lined, smooth dirt roads for 45 min and were anxious to go home. This short cut may have been legit for a 4x4 truck. After all, there was a sign at the beginning that said for trucks only. I failed to notice that sign and my hubby must have thought that a Sienna and a 4x4 truck were close to the same thing. So, off he went.

You know those commercials of the heavy duty vehicles quickly driving up the side of the most steepest, rockiest, narrowest road in the country? What does it always say at the end? Yep. "Don't ever attempt in real life." Well, we just did and we did it in a minivan (minus the steep part)!

In no time at all, we were driving over rocks that seemed like the size of miniature boulders. We kept going. We soon crossed some cute little mountain streams that weren't so cute at the time and that splashed half way up our van. We kept going. Next, came fallen logs that were like gigantic speed bumps. We kept going. All the while, we suggested a turn around, but the roads were so narrow would a safe, successful turn around even be possible? It seemed we were getting deeper and deeper into trouble the further we went. There was no one else around and our phones did not have service. It was funny and fearful at the same time if that even makes sense. We knew this had to end somewhere, but where and when?

I was thinking, "How are we all going to sleep in this van tonight. And, will a tow truck even come down here?"

Brenda was thinking, "What are we going to eat. We have Oreos, 1/4 bag of BBQ chips, a Vitamin Water, and apples."

Dad was thinking, "We are going to pop a tire. And, we will never make our dinner reservations."

Carter was thinking, "How am I going to go poop out here without a bear biting my butt?"

Ryder was trying to say, "Scared!"

Tyler was trying not to think at all by laying down in the back and covering his face with a jacket sleeve.

And, Justin was thinking, "I AM going to do this thing!"

Until....... we came to the place where a tree laid across the path (I will not call it a road anymore). Justin put the van in park and got out to see if we could go around the tree. WHAT?!

Oh, dear Lord. We better pray.

He walked back to the van highly frustrated, but very calm all things considered, and the turn around attempt began against his will I am sure. After physically moving some of those mini boulders we were on our way back to the beginning of this ATV trail (no longer worthy to be called a road or a path). I commended him on his humility to give in to our desires.

3 hours later we were on the way back to town. I can't tell you how excited we were to see pavement and to know our van was still running well. Our bottoms were sore from all the bouncing (worse than a horse back ride gone bad) and we were tired, but we were SAFE!! SIENNA'S ARE BEASTS for sure!!!

We ended the night with steaks for Carter's Birthday at the Briar Rose Chop House back in Breckenridge. It was good, but over priced. Wish we weren't so tired so we could have enjoyed it more. Carter's birthday is tomorrow. More on that later. Today lasted f-o-r-e-v-e-r but the memories we created were priceless and will keep us laughing for years to come!

****By the way, we just discovered that CO Rd 801 is also known as a Forest Service Road and a great Bike Trail. LOL! LOL! Nice to know after the fact!

Carter got tired


Rainbow Lake our lunch spot

LOVES the water and throwing rocks

Walking Sticks


Flowers outside ice cream stop

On Boreas Pass

Carter's itouch has been missing for months. I found it today while looking for some napkins in the car. What a B-day present!!


Sorry, no pics of off-roading. Wasn't the time to pull out the camera.


Whew! I don't think I have ever worked so hard in my life. Nothing like company to kick your behind into high gear. It was just the motivation I needed to catch up and clean up. Carter's health has definitely delayed things....not that I'm making excuses or anything :). It feels good to have conquered so much, and I hope to keep going because I still have lots of ideas for our new home. So, whose going to be my next motivation? You? Come on. We'd love to have you.

Here are a few pics of my fall decor. I wanted to be sure I got it out because Mom loves this time of year. I just used what I had and I think it turned out pretty well.

This is the view from our front room into our family room.

I got 4 rocks out of the yard and spelled out F-A-L-L for the mantel.

Dining Room Table

Love my window mirror!

The yard needed a little loving too!

Here is another reason (but not an excuse-ha!ha!) I have a had time getting stuff done. When Momma's not watching, this kid will get into TROUBLE!

I found him hiding behind a door with a black marker.

Yes, all his teeth were BLACK!

We are heading to a mountain house tonight. Should be beautiful and fun. A great time away with sorely missed family. I will be posting about our adventure. I will also post more pics of my home later. Thanks for reading and for praying for my family.