
Party Time!

Let's play a game of guess who. Ready? Here we GO!

Who has loved me unconditionally despite all my shortcomings and failures?

Who has remained right by my side through every peak and valley?

If you've guessed my parents or grandparents, you are right, but keep guessing. That's not who I have in mind this time!

Who has made me a better person and has caused me to grow in sanctification?

Who is patient with me and quick to forgive and forget?

My kids? You are right again, but I'm still thinking of another person.

Who works hard (without complaint) to provide for me?

Who gently leads and corrects me?

Ok, you probably have guessed it by now, but keep playing anyway!

Who is sensitive to my needs and wants and hardly ever says, "No," even when I may need to hear it.

And, most important of all, who makes God the head of the home, always desires to grow in Christ-likeness, has a greater fear of the Creator versus the creation, and strives to raise children in the way they should go?

MY 30 YEAR OLD HUSBAND, that's who!

Justin makes being a wife a JOY and a true gift! I am honored to call him my husband and the father to my children. I am grateful to God for choosing Justin for me. I am blessed beyond measure for sure!

So, to celebrate how great of a guy J is, I threw a party. It was fun, fun, fun, but not before some stress, stress, stress! You see, Old Man Winter BLIZZARD tried to ruin my party. I think no matter how many countless hours you spend planning every detail, there is always something unexpected. Much appreciation goes out to all our guests who braved the weather to show how much they love Justin! Here are some pictures.

I made most all the decorations.

This was hanging in between 2 drop lights over our bar

These were hanging from my chandelier over the dining/serving table

The frames to the R and L of the mirror were letters from Justin's Mom and Dad. The orange was a letter from me.

Hanging on both sides of the fireplace

Had 5 of these hanging in the cutout in the wall

Couldn't get it all in one shot, but this was hanging all the way across the window which is in the dining room behind the table. It read, "Happy 30th Justin."

Put this on the piano. Ty made it in 1st grade.

I served Barefoot Contessa Chicken Chili for dinner. We had shredded cheese, Fritos, onions, baked potatoes, and sour cream to go with it. A S'mores Station was set up for dessert. Guests roasted the mallows in the fireplace. Sorry, only one pic of the yumminess!

Now, for games. Couples were asked to match and come with a team name. Most were tweaked Minute to Win It games. Now, I know why people with disposable incomes hire photographers for parties. It's hard to take pics and host. Anyway, you get the idea....

One person held a clipboard on the palm of one hand, arm extended. The other stacked as many nuts as they could - one on top of another - using a bamboo skewer. The couple that stacked the most in a minute won!

A cereal box was cut into squares. Couples assembled 16 squares to complete the puzzle. Fastest won.

Couples picked up a can by the tab using a noodle that was in their mouth and transferred it from one table to another. A pyramid had to be formed. Fastest won!

Standing 13 feet apart, couples slid an upside down toothbrush down a ribbon (holding it only with one hand) and landed it in the cup. Fastest won!

One person sat with their head tilted back as if looking toward the sky. The other stacked cookies - one on top of another - on their partners forehead. The couple that stacked the highest won.

One person sat on the couch and tossed marshmallows into the mouths of their partner who was sitting on a chair across the room. Neither player was allowed to come up off their seat. Most catches in a minute won.

Justin rocked at this game. Or, maybe, I was just a great thrower!

One person tied a clipboard around their waste so that it hung down between their legs. The other person bounced a ball off the clipboard making it land into the bucket in front of their partner. Fastest to make 3 shots won!

See the white ball down by his foot? HIs wife wasn't too good :)

Didn't get any pictures but it was like the game Taboo.


Can't wait to have more fun with my hunk! I pray, as we continue our journey together, that even the "lows" will draw us closer together and closer to our God. I pray our view of Him and of what He has accomplished for us only increases. And, may we celebrate many more birthdays together! Next year I will be 3-OH!


Missing Anns Already.....

Annsley was here for 4 1/2 short days. We had a blast together. It was so good to see her and to spend time with her. Man, having loved one's here makes you realize just how much you miss them and it's so hard to see them go.

Day 1 was spent at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. This place was awesome!

You see that rock climber (he looks like a speck)? Well.....

It gave Tyler ideas

Cousin Stephen joined us!


This one is for my Nanny because she says I never post pics of myself!

And, this friends, is "The Incline." Here is some of what I've read about it:
"It's only 1 mile up, but gains 2000 feet of vertical by way of 2800 railroad ties."
"This is basically stair-master on a mountain."
"Elite American athletes have gathered here for years in search of the most basic and punishing workout: Man versus Hill."
"Olympians call it a beast, a bear and a battle ax, a source of pride and exhaustion for them."
"Once you think you've done it all in terms of training, you come to the Incline."

I will do it! And, I cannot wait! The challenge excites me! Stay tuned for a post on my climb!


Squid Dissection

What cool homeschool friends we have! So grateful for the Callaway's! Hands on learning is FUN!

Oh Boy, here we go! Plug your nose!


This lady rocks in so many ways! Here she is trying to remove the beak.
"In the centre of the web of tentacles lies a hard, sharp and murderous beak that resembles that of a parrot. The beak is a tool for killing and dismembering prey."

I think Ty and Chloe were preparing to open the arms in order to find the beak on their squid

There it is! Do you see it? It's that small black thing that resembles a thorn sort-of. We are not working with a giant squid people! Our's was small :) That root looking thing was the esophagus. It's usually longer, but they tore it by accident while trying to extract the beak.

Using a tool to point to the eye socket

Cutting the Mantle
"The main body mass is enclosed in the mantle, which has a swimming fin along each side"
You can see the fins on the side. They resemble triangles.

Carter pointing to the ink sac.
"The ink sac allows a squid to rapidly discharge black ink into the mantle cavity."
"Squid can turn dark, squeeze ink out of their INK SAC, then turn light or clear to confuse a predator and escape."

Suction cups! They help the squid hold onto food.

The "pen"
"The gladius pen is a long, clear feather-shaped structure used to support the mantle and for organ attachment. It and the cranium, or brain case, make up the "skeleton" of the squid. It feels like plastic and is made of tissue similar to a shrimp shell."
The plan was to try and remove the pen and then dip it in ink from the ink sac and write something. It did not quite work. It's hard to remove the pen without breaking it.

See that thing being lifted up by the tool on the top, right? I think that was some type of muscle that helped the squid move through the water and turn. I can't remember the name of it.

Filling out worksheets at the end

And, what do you do when you're not dissecting? Build a fort, of course!